Monday, July 28, 2008

Word Snake


"did you know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day this is because when we sleep, our body goes through hours without food. the moment we wake up our body is already in the state of starvation therefore it is best that breakfast is taken at least thirty minutes after we wake up this will not only keep us going throughout the day but will also prevent us from consuming more than what our body needs but if you do not have time for breakfast there is no harm having some energy bars on the go chilled and carbonated beverages is not suitable to be taken in the morning hence you should avoid it drinking a glass of cold water in between the moment you are awake and breakfast is good start for flushing down you system"

okay, what i've created here is called word snake. word snake is a game where it requires students to identify individual words by spacing them out in this long sentence. there are no punctuations in this short passage. apart from students learning to identify individual words, they would also identify the suitable punctuations to be used at the same time. instead of having this exercise on a plain piece of paper, it would be more motivating and fun for students to have this exercise using Microsoft Words. so, the best way to carry out this lesson would be in the computer lab. so here it is...

A quick way of creating a Wordsnake exercise:

· Type your text in Word (according to the level of your students)
· Select Edit/Replace from the Menu Bar
· In the Find what box enter a space
· Leave the Replace with box empty
· Click on Replace all
· Done!

-adapted from

after having done that, the original short passage will look like this:



Izaham Shah Ismail said...

dyqrGood work

Gwen Yong said...

thank you sir..but i need to edit the 'exercise' part cause it seems the passage is halfway posted...